Posted by Jeffrey Feingold on 01.25.14
Not a well-balanced article: The U.S. R&D tax credit, typically worth less than 6.5% of a company's R&D expenses, is far weaker than the R&D credit programs of most our industrial competitors. That's why President Obama, as well as both Democratic and Republican lawmakers, are supporting expansion of the Federal R&D. My own company, Tax Point Advisors, works primarily with small to mix-sized business across the U.S., in assisting them to claim this credit. While we work with some very large companies, most of our clients are $5m - $50m in revenue, are family-owned, and are in the group of U.S. companies which employ about 70% of the U.S. workforce (that is, companies with 100 or fewer employees). The U.S. needs to enhance the R&D credit.