If you had the opportunity to receive a substantial amount of money for the innovative work your company is performing on a daily basis, wouldn’t you want to receive it? While such an opportunity exists through federal and state research and development (R&D) tax credits, businesses are missing out on hundreds of thousands of dollars each year. Are you one of them?
Less than 33% of companies that qualify for the federal R&D tax credit actually utilize it.
This e-book is designed as a guide to help you claim R&D tax credits for your eligible activities. We explain how R&D tax credits can provide a powerful tax-savings incentive for your business—and how they can become a profitable tool to help you grow your company. Our 8-page e-book covers:
Ch. I – Overview: Expansion of the R&D Tax Credit
Ch. II – How to Qualify: The Four-Part Test
Ch. III – Qualifying Activities and Industries
Ch. IV – How Much Can a Business Save?
Ch. V – Working with an R&D Tax Expert
Please fill out the form on this page to learn more about how the R&D credit can benefit your business.